Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I've actually never been a butterfly person...

I rarely use them in my art, I'm more of a bird person, LOVE birds; I should post on that...

And I'd never thought to use them in my decor, until I got these two amazing trays/boxes at Target with butterflies on them that look so vintage and awesome! note to self; post pic! And I started to think of them as being less corny and predictable as I'd thought.

I didn't even like butterfly world that much as a kid actually.

So why did I mention them in my blog title then?

I'm referring to the butteries in the stomach. That jolt! From an audition, or a great dress or a new pair of shoes, to seeing the ocean, to ridding a motorcycle or roller coaster to yes, oh yes a boy; a text, an email, a smile, a bad but good pickup line. Those kind of butterflies that you get before the cynicism sinks in and you start to doubt and judge yourself.

I love that feeling but can't always peg where it comes from or what it is. So thats I named my blog: What do you want to know about the butterflies?

as in: Do you want to know what makes my heart skip a beat?

Also butterflies are kinda pretty don't you think?

A few things that are making my heart full of exciting butterflies right now:
I bought the most beautiful new watch today and I found out that I got the apartment I applied for in Vancouver! So pumped about both!

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